Sunday, September 1, 2019

Critical Analysis of "The Boy named Crow"

      The Boy named Crow is a novel written by Haruki Murakami, it was published on January 2002. The purpose of this novel is to entertain because it have a strong emotion that the readers can relate. I was inspired by Kafka because right now I cant provide my own needs and I cannot survive without my family. The character have a problem to his dad and he want to run away because he is angry to his dad and also want to find his mother and his sister. The boy named "Kafka Tamura" he is the toughest fifteen years old because he run away from home which means that Kafka need to provide his need and find a shelter for himself. He has a friend who named Crow and they talked about why Kafka leave to their house. The crow give an advice to Kafka and it is the "And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survived. You won't even sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is for certain. When you come out of the storm, YOU WON'T BE THE SAME PERSON WHO WALKED IN. That's what this storm is all about. "

      When I was young I want to run away from home because I feel that I am not important to my family and also that time we had a lot of problems financially, communication to each other and also paying bills, I want to leave them because they treated me as a bad luck to them. Kafka and I may have the same experience but we have different decision. That time, I decided to stay because I want to prove that it is just a problem that we can solve it if we helping each other. The advice of the Crow have a lesson that is important to us to understand because it says that if we face our challenges in life, you cannot determine how you solved this, the important this is that you gained a lesson and also it lead us to have a strong heart and mind that can motivate us to face the struggles that may we encounter in our life. The Boy named Crow inspired me that I should fight all the problems like Kafka because as a human being, we need to become a independent human in order to welcome a new chapter of our life and we should forget the old us but we need to keep the lesson from our past experience.

             When I read the story it was very organized because it was started on giving scenario on what is happening in the story and then it turns to Kafka that want to run away from his home, and then Kafka having conversation to Crow it shows that the story rebuild step by step and then the Crow give an advice to Kafka and in the end It was dramatic, I felt sad because the impact of the story is in the end. I think that the style of the author is giving a  big impact to the readers and also giving information because the end of the story it said that it is like a fairytale but it is not, in this line you will understand that this story is related to our everyday life. When I finished to read this story it put me in the time when I want to leave my family and I reflect on my decision I have made before, I will recommend this story to my nephew to understand how life is really hard to become a independent human as a teenager. The Boy named Crow is a realistic story because it can happen in our real life with the same situation, people have many problems in life specifically to their family. Teenager feels that they can manage and provide their needs without analyzing their future if they will run away to their home.

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